Green moss and goold thread, dat’s what it was med on; just dem two things... “Mossycoat,” she called it, and she gave de name to de younger daughter, as she’d med it for.... It was a magic coat, she said, a wishing coat, she telt her daughter; when she’d got it on, she telt her she’d only to wish to be somewhere, and she’d be dere, dat wery instant, and de same if she wanted to change hersel’ into summat else, like to be a swan or a bee.
- Mossycoat -
Dear little Mossycoat. I found her coat, it was in tatters. Her fine white silk dress was torn, and her crown had melted all over the pebbles. From rags to riches and now back into the overgrown moss once more. But I preserved you dear Mossycoat. The dead moss from her coat has been stitched into golden moss-etched pebbles and strung with thousands of precious mossy beads, culminating in a large golden pendant; where the magic lies. I unearthed two segments of her crown, the circles still perfect, and I stretched out her white silk dress to protect the wishes. Underneath the silk lies the only piece of the Mossycoat that still possesses the wishing power. If you’re quiet, and close your eyes tight and whisper your wish into the coat, Mossycoat may just turn you into what you desire to be the most.
Faery Wings
Faery Wings
Mossycoat was a part of my Degree Show collection in my final year at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. This collection was titled: Lexicon Creatures, and it featured five of my favourite narratives that I transformed into three-dimensional , wearable creations. Details from each tale were picked out and dissected into parts that I found beautiful, fascinating or questioning, and I constructed my interpretations into the final creatures using a variety of techniques that I had learned during my education, including: nitric acid etching, 3D printing, electroforming, and a unique beading style that I developed.
Faery Wings
Faery Wings
This work is available for commission. Please email me at info@chloehenderson.co.uk for more details.
While developing my degree show collection at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design I discovered that my niche skill within the world of jewellery-making is etching, especially hand-drawn nitric acid etches. Through this method of scraping away
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lines of black etching fluid I fell in love with pattern drawing and this love has become my ink and paper illustrations. My portfolio of illustration is inspired by my penchant for the fantastical, and I often feature strange creatures within my highly patterned portraiture. The crisp black and white lines have become my signature style.